Love Help Charitable Trust

Love Help Charitable Trust Hope Fund

Subsidies for cancer patients and rare disease patients

In order to help cancer patients and rare disease patients to face life positively and tide over the difficulties of treatment, the Foundation helps cancer patients and rare disease patients to face treatment positively and return to life through charitable trusts donated by charitable enterprises, organizations and natural persons.

Love Help Charitable Trust Hope Fund
Go to the announcement and information disclosure undertaken by the bank

Established in 2017 with the approval of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the Hope Fund is currently held under the trust of Cathay World Huaxin Bank and operates in accordance with the Articles of Association.

Supervisor: Mr. Li Chuanhou (Pro Bono Service)

Patients with cancer, rare diseases and major illnesses who are clinically referred for treatment by physicians or nurses and have financial difficulties will be provided with emergency relief funds to help them tide over the treatment difficulties.

Hope Trust Application Overview

In addition to paying the bank trust management fee, the budget fully covers the social welfare purpose, with a total of hundreds of grantees and organizations.

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Sponsorship for Cancer Group to organise "Family Psychological Care Service for Cancer Patients"

Family members of cancer patients also need to be taken care of

"Let's Live a Good Life" – Family Psychological Care Service Programme for Cancer Patients

Let the patient be a little more helpful in their treatment journey
Cathay United Commercial Bank is entrusted with a special account for the Hope Fund of the Charity Trust
Account Name :
Cathay United Bank Business Department